Sucking It In

Maybe you’ve heard the command “Suck it in!” just before your photo is snapped.

Growing up, I heard this phrase quite often. At its core, this is a harmless, silly phrase used to remind those around you to stand up straight and look presentable in a group photo. I openly took this advice as a kid and never really thought much about it again.

Until now. I realize now that in my daily life, I am almost constantly “sucking it in.” By this, I mean I am tensing my abdomen, pulling my tummy tighter, and trying to make my stomach appear flatter. It is subconscious at this point. It actually takes MORE mental effort to untense my muscles and let my belly hang loose, isn’t that crazy?! When I’m unloading the dishwasher, driving, putting on my shoes to take my dog for a walk, or sitting at my desk at work, I am “sucking it in.”

Do I think this has anything to do with being told that growing up? No, not necessarily. But I DO think it has a lot to do with what I tell myself now.

Subconsciously, I tell myself that this slight change in the appearance of my stomach plays a difference in my physical health. I know it’s irrational, but part of me actually believes that. I tell myself that I look “better” or more “fit” or “healthy” with a flat stomach. I tell myself that the people around me actually notice a difference in my appearance when I’m not sucking it in. Let me clue you in, they don’t. 

I don’t quite have a solution to this problem. But I think part of the solution is being open about it. So, here I am! I hope this creates an opportunity for you to examine your thought life as well. Subconsciously or not, I definitely have room to grow when it comes to my thoughts about my Creator and his Creation. In putting this out there, my goal is to remind you – and myself -that you are beautiful just as He created you, in His image.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” – Psalm 169:13-14